Are you interested in making friends? Meeting neighbors? Just having some fun with other women?
Stone Brooke Crossing has a Women's Bunco Group that is always looking for players. We meet the first TUESDAY of the month except for February and alternate homes. The cost is just $5 to participate and you could walk away with some great prize$. We currently have 12 women playing and hope to get it up to 16. If there is a lot of interest a SECOND group can start up. What better way to get to know other FAMILIES in the neighborhood?
If you are interested in PARTICIPATING please email myself or Kim. We'd love to see some new faces! Next GAME: Tueday, February 10th, 5525 Pebble Ct, start time this month is 7:30 p.m for some food & socializing - game begins at 8:00. We look forward to SEEING you there!