Thursday, November 12, 2009

McKinney Food Drive

I saw the news last night and saw that a local Pastor was fasting and collecting non perishable food items to help fight hunger. It really touched me and I feel the need to help.

I would like to offer to be a drop off location for our neighborhood and take any non perishable foods you have to the main drop off location. If you can't deliver to me then call or text me and I will pick it up from you.

Deliver to:
Laura Barron
5313 Sandstone Lane
or call/text 214-415-5329 if you would like me to pick up the items from you.

Let's fight hunger together!
Click on the link above to go to the website to get more details.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

October Market Update

Here's a snapshot of how the real estate in Stone Brooke Crossing fared for October 2009.

The month ended with 6 Active listings:

5417 Pebble Ct 2,105 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $169,900
5437 Pebble Ct 2,311 sqft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $184,900 REDUCED $176,900
5304 Sandstone Lane 2,390 sqft, 3 BR, 2.5 BA, $229,800 Reduced $205,000
5320 Rolling Rock 3,304 sqft, 4 BR, 3 BA, $234,900
5214 Hawks Nest 2,523 sqft 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $198,900 REDUCED $194,900
5213 Arrowhead Way 2,826 sqft, 3 BR, 2.5 BA, $204,900

2 Sold:

Home 1: 1,449 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $118,707 (HUD)
Home 2: 1,788 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $159,500

Do you need a McKinney Realtor that specializes in Stone Brooke Crossing? Call or Email us today! The market is right for buyers that qualify - low interest rates are drawing out the serious home buyers. Get your home on the market.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Tomorrow is the neighborhood GARAGE SALE & OPEN HOUSE TOUR

Please visit Stone Brooke Crossing Neighborhood located at the Southwest corner of Lake Forest and Virginia Parkway in McKinney for garage sales running from 7-2. Pick up a flyer at 5400 Turtle by the community pool that features all the homes participating in the garage sale and a list of open houses OR pick up flyers at another location: Village & Stone Brooke Crossing in a flyer box with balloons.

Open Houses run from 11-2!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October Bunco

Are you interested in making friends? Meeting neighbors? Just having some fun with other women?

Stone Brooke Crossing has a Women's Bunco Group that is always looking for players. We meet the second TUESDAY of the month at 7:30 p.m. and alternate homes. The cost is just $5 to participate and you could walk away with some great prize$.

If you are interested in PARTICIPATING please email myself or Kim. We'd love to see some new faces!

Next GAME: TUESDAY, October 13th. Kate White is hosting and her address is: 5441 Pebble Ct. and start time is 8:00 p.m., come dressed in your favorite halloween garb and bring a snack to share. We look forward to SEEING you and your friends there!

September Market Update

Here's a snapshot of how the real estate in Stone Brooke Crossing fared for September 2009.

The month ended with 6 Active listings:

205 Stone Brooke Ct 1,788 sq ft, 3 BR, 2 BA $164,900
5437 Pebble Ct 2,311 sqft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $184,900 REDUCED $179,000
5313 Arrowhead Way 2,911 sqft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $224,000
5304 Sandstone Lane 2,390 sqft, 3 BR, 2.5 BA, $229,800 Reduced $215,000
5320 Rolling Rock 3,304 sqft, 4 BR, 3 BA, $234,900
5214 Hawks Nest 2,523 sqft 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $198,900

1 Pending listings:

5305 Hawks Nest 2,176 sqft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $167,900

1 Sold:

Home 1: 3,081 sqft, 4 BR, 3.5 BA, $219,000

Do you need a McKinney Realtor that specializes in Stone Brooke Crossing? Call or Email us today! The market is right for buyers that qualify - low interest rates are drawing out the serious home buyers. Get your home on the market.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Registration for garage sale EXTENDED

We have extended the registration for the garage sale until tomorrow, OCTOBER 6th! If you want to participate please fill out the registration form (located in the message below) and return to one of the addresses on the form by TOMORROW!

Thank you!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

This SATURDAY is the neighborhood garage sale.

Please visit Stone Brooke Crossing Neighborhood located at the Southwest corner of Lake Forest and Virginia Parkway in McKinney for garage sales running from 7-2. Pick up a flyer at 5400 Turtle by the community pool that features all the homes participating in the garage sale and a list of open houses OR pick up flyers at another location: Village & Stone Brooke Crossing in a flyer box with balloons.

Open Houses run from 11-2 and will be designated with open house signs and on the flyer.

If your a resident and would like to participate please print this form and return to one of the addresses located on it, to be a featured garage sale form is due OCT 5th!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Time Running Out for FALL 2009 Garage Sale Registration

The deadline for turning in your registration form to participate in this Fall's Community Garage Sale is coming up! Turn in your forms by October 5th. Instructions are on the form.

So far we've had a good response. A few of you have had some questions, so I thought I'd post those as well:

Q: What is the $15 registration fee for? A: The money goes towards the advertising that is done for the sale - many newspapers, directional signs & online ads. Proceeds above this cost go to one of two places: The Samaritan Inn Gateway Apartment Project OR directly into benefits for the neighborhood. For example, if we get a large enough turnout we'd love to get a bounce house for the kids to play in or some other activity that would benefit Stone Brooke Crossing.

We DO NOT make a profit from this event.

Q: Where will the Sale be advertised? A: The Dallas Morning News, Star Community Newspapers (McKinney Courier Gazette, Allen American, Frisco Enterprise, Plano Star Courier, Little Elm Journal, Celina Record, etc..), Craigslist,, and more.

Sign up today (click on image to print):


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It's just a few weeks away.

Saturday, October 10th
Garage Sale 7:00 am - 2:00 pm
Open House Tour 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Saturday, October 10th Stone Brooke Crossing will have its Fourth Semi-Annual Community Garage Sale and Open House Tour! There will be a 3-day ad in the local newspapers and an ad in the Dallas Morning News promoting the event. There will also be community maps handed out that will direct people to the Featured Open Houses and Featured Garage Sales. The maps will be handed out at the corner of Crutcher Crossing and Turtle Court and there will be signs and directionals into our neighorhood from 7 - 2. We will also be handing out donuts in the morning and they will be served in the parking lot of the SBC Community Pool, so come down and say Hi!

To be a Featured Garage Sale, please print off registration form below and return to Kim (469-667-8225) or Laura (214-415-5329) (your SBC neighbors) to register. All featured garage sales will have special balloons at their home identifying them as a featured home. The cost is only $15.00 to participate and will be due no later than Monday, October 5th.

To be a Featured Open House, please have your real estate agent call us for registration information. We will send them a registration form so that you can participate. The Featured Open Houses will have exclusive advertising! What a great way to get some traffic in our awesome neighborhood to show off your home! The deadline to sign up as a featured Open House is also Monday, October 5th.

Keep checking back for more details!

August Market Update

Here's a snapshot of how the real estate in Stone Brooke Crossing fared for August 2009.

The month ended with 7 Active listings:
205 Stone Brooke Ct 1,788 sq ft, 3 BR, 2 BA $164,900
5417 Pebble Ct 2,105 sqft 3 BR, 2 BA, $178,500
5437 Pebble Ct 2,311 sqft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $184,900
5214 Hawks Nest 2,523 sqft 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $198,900
5532 Broken Bend 3,081 sqft, 4 BR, 3.5 BA, $218,987
5304 Sandstone Lane 2,390 sqft, 3 BR, 2.5 BA, $229,800 Reduced $215,000
5320 Rolling Rock 3,304 sqft, 4 BR, 3 BA, $234,900

2 Pending listings:
5424 Pebble Ct 1,449 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $130,000
5532 Broken Bend 3,081 sqft, 4 BR, 3.5 BA, $218,987

4 Sold:
Home 1: 1,838 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, Pool, $169,749
Home 2: 1,838 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $150,000
Home 3: 2,600 sqft, 3 BR, 2.5 BA, $186,500
Home 4: 2,584 sqft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $207,500

Do you need a McKinney Realtor that specializes in Stone Brooke Crossing? Call or Email us today! The market is right for buyers that qualify - low interest rates are drawing out the serious home buyers. Get your home on the market.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

July Market Update

Here's a snapshot of how the real estate in Stone Brooke Crossing fared for July 2009.

The month ended with 5 Active listings:
5424 Pebble Ct 1,449 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $130,000
5214 Hawks Nest 2,523 sqft 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $198,900
5532 Broken Bend 3,081 sqft, 4 BR, 3.5 BA, $218,987
5304 Sandstone Lane 2,390 sqft, 3 BR, 2.5 BA, $229,800 Reduced $224,940
5320 Rolling Rock 3,304 sqft, 4 BR, 3 BA, $234,900

1 Option listing
5500 Crystal Ct 1,838 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, Pool, $175,000

3 Pending listings:
309 Blue Spring 2,584 sqft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $212,900
501 Rock Ridge Way 1,838 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $154,900
5205 Geode 2,600 sqft, 3 BR, 2.5 BA, $209,900 Reduced $189,900

2 Sold:
Home 1: 1,838 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $154,162
Home 2: 2,105 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $164,500

Do you need a McKinney Realtor that specializes in Stone Brooke Crossing? Call or Email us today! The market is right for buyers that qualify - low interest rates are drawing out the serious home buyers. Get your home on the market.

Friday, July 3, 2009

June Market Update

Here's a snapshot of how the real estate in Stone Brooke Crossing fared for June 2009.

The month ended with 5 Active listings:

309 Blue Spring 2,584 sqft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $212,900
501 Rock Ridge Way 1,838 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $154,900
5500 Crystal Ct 1,838 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, Pool, $175,000
5205 Geode 2,600 sqft, 3 BR, 2.5 BA, $209,900 Reduced $189,900
5304 Sandstone Lane 2,390 sqft, 3 BR, 2.5 BA, $229,800

2 Contingent listings:

5437 Crystal Ct 1,838 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $162,500 Reduced $159,900
5417 Crystal Ct 2,105 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $168,000

2 Sold:
Home 1: 2,085 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $167,144
Home 2: 2,105 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $161,400

Do you need a McKinney Realtor that specializes in Stone Brooke Crossing? Call or Email us today! The market is right for buyers that qualify - low interest rates are drawing out the serious home buyers. Get your home on the market.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Summer Bunco June 9th

Are you interested in making friends? Meeting neighbors? Just having some fun with other women?

Stone Brooke Crossing has a Women's Bunco Group that is always looking for players. We meet the second TUESDAY of the month at 7:30 p.m. and alternate homes. The cost is just $5 to participate and you could walk away with some great prize$.

If you are interested in PARTICIPATING please email myself or Kim. We'd love to see some new faces!

Next GAME: TUESDAY, June 9th. Kim Daugherty's house 5505 Pebble Court McKinney, TX 75070. She's having a White Trash Bash! Grab your trucker hats, overalls and flannel for a down South good time! Remember, dressing up is half the fun - don't be a party pooper. Perhaps a prize will be awarded for best get up?

Social hour begins at 7:30, game time starts at 8:00. Bring yer $5 big ones and some grub to share.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

May Market Update

Here's a snapshot of how the real estate in Stone Brooke Crossing fared for May 2009.

The month ended with 4 Active listings:

5437 Crystal Ct 1,838 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $162,500 Reduced $159,900
5417 Crystal Ct 2,105 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $168,000
5500 Crystal Ct 1,838 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, Pool, $179,900 Reduced $174,999
5205 Geode 2,600 sqft, 3 BR, 2.5 BA, $209,900 Reduced $199,900

2 Pending:

5432 Crystal Ct 2,105 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $169,900
204 Stone Brooke Ct 2,085 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $169,000

1 Cancelled Listing

5437 Pebble Ct 2,311 sq ft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA $182,000 Reduced $179,000

1 Sold:
Home 1: 2,176 sqft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $169,900

Do you need a McKinney Realtor that specializes in Stone Brooke Crossing? Call or Email us today! The market is right for buyers that qualify - low interest rates are drawing out the serious home buyers. Get your home on the market.

Friday, May 1, 2009

April Market Update

Here's a snapshot of how the real estate in Stone Brooke Crossing fared for April 2009.

The month ended with 8 Active listings:

5437 Crystal Ct 1,838 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $162,500
5417 Crystal Ct 2,105 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $168,000
5500 Crystal Ct 1,838 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, Pool, $179,900
5432 Crystal Ct 2,105 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $169,900
5437 Pebble Ct 2,311 sq ft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA $182,000 Reduced $179,000
204 Stone Brooke Ct 2,085 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $169,000
5504 Amber Way 2,199 sqft, 4 BR, 2 BA, $169,990
5205 Geode 2,600 sqft, 3 BR, 2.5 BA, $209,900

1 Option:

5100 Sandy Ct 2,176 sqft, 4 BR 2.5 BA, $179,900

1 Cancelled:

5213 Hawks Nest 2,684 sqft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $214,900 Reduced $199,900

2 Sold:
Home 1: 2,303 sqft, 4 BR, 2 BA, $186,500
Home 2: 2,602 sqft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $179,000

Do you need a McKinney Realtor that specializes in Stone Brooke Crossing? Call or Email us today! The market is right for buyers that qualify - low interest rates are drawing out the serious home buyers. Get your home on the market

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April Showers Brings Out BUNCO

Are you interested in making friends? Meeting neighbors? Just having some fun with other women?

Stone Brooke Crossing has a Women's Bunco Group that is always looking for players. We meet the second TUESDAY of the month at 7:30 p.m. and alternate homes. The cost is just $5 to participate and you could walk away with some great prize$.

If you are interested in PARTICIPATING please email myself or Kim. We'd love to see some new faces!

Next GAME: TUESDAY, April 14th. Kym Jackson,our honorary BUNCO member is hosting and her address is: 3601 Creekview Court
McKinney, TX 75071 (she is not in the neighborhood but minutes away)and start time is 8:00 p.m. We look forward to SEEING you and your friends there!

March Market Update

Here's a snapshot of how the real estate in Stone Brooke Crossing fared for March 2009.

The month ended with 7 Active listings:

5213 Hawks Nest 2,684 sqft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $214,900 Reduced $209,900
5437 Crystal Ct, 1,838 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $162,500
5100 Sandy Ct 2,176 sqft, 4 BR 2.5 BA, $179,900
304 S. Village 2,303 sqft, 4 BR, 2 BA reduced $200,000
5417 Crystal Ct 2,105 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $169,000
5437 Pebble Ct 2,311 sq ft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA $182,000
5500 Crystal Ct 1,838 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, Pool, $179,900

1 Home Pending:

5209 Stoney Trail 2,602 sqft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, reduced $189,900

1 Home Contingent:

304 S. Village 2,303 sqft, 4 BR, 2 BA, $189,900

1 Sold home

Home #1: 2,107 sqft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $167,950

Do you need a McKinney Realtor that specializes in Stone Brooke Crossing? Call or Email us today! The market is right for buyers that qualify - low interest rates are drawing out the serious home buyers. Get your home on the market

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A chilly morning and a little rain didn't stop shoppers...

Thanks to all the homes that participated as a featured garage sale. The rain and wind didn't seem to stop shoppers who started circulating the neighborhood at 6:00 a.m. while we were putting out signs and balloons. We spoke with several garage sale sellers and they were unloading goods left and right.

Keep an eye out for the fall garage sale postcard coming out in September to participate in the October garage sale.

The cost is $15 and we register you with the city and get your garage sale permit, advertise in the Dallas Morning News (Thurs-Sat ad) and the 15 local Star Newspapers (7 day ad) PLUS put out all the signs. (We do not profit from this event...all monies used go into advertising the sale and purchasing permits)

This is NOT an HOA sponsored event. Kim and I are residents of Stone Brooke Crossing and REALTORs. We do this as a service to our wonderful SBC neighbors.

Thanks for participating!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Garage Sales and Open House TOMORROW!

We have 16 homes participating in the Stone Brooke Crossing garage sale from 7-2.

One open house at 5100 Sandy Ct. McKinney, TX from 11-2.

Get ready for all the great sales and lots of traffic in and out of our beautiful neighborhood!

Maps handed out at Crutcher Crossing and Turtle Way by community pool.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Just WHAT is the Stone Brooke Crossing Garage Sale & Open House Tour?

With rising gas prices and the expense of raising kids, many families turn to having a garage sale as a way to earn some extra cash. It's a great way to get rid of clothing the children have outgrown, sell toys or electronics you no longer use and to de-clutter your home if you are thinking of putting it on the market.

Along with all of the benefits of having a garage sale, many people choose NOT to because of all the work it takes to pull together a successful garage sale. Many people have a busy schedule and don't have the time to do it right. Placing ads in all the area newspapers, getting up early to put out plenty of directional signs & picking them up when you are done, and getting the word out online about your garage sale. Well, that's where WE step in!! Let us do all the hard work - all you have to do is get your items ready to be sold!

Here's what happens when you sign up to be a featured garage sale in the SBC Garage Sale & Open House Tour:

1. Fill out and turn in registration form - include what kind of items you will be selling. These will be listed on the neighborhood maps that will be handed out to shoppers the morning of the sale.

2. Include $15 with your registration form. What does the $15 go towards? The costs of advertising and promotion for the sale. We do NOT make a profit from the garage sale.

3. You don't even need to get your own garage sale permit - we'll take care of that as well!

5. The morning of the garage sale we will have numerous directional signs for the garage sale leading shoppers to all of the great sales. All featured garage sales will have balloons placed on their mailbox to help identify the sales.

6. As shoppers drive into the neighborhood we will be handing out maps showing where each garage sale is located. Garage Sales will be advertised from 7 am - 2 pm.

7. Come down to our information tent at the Crutcher Crossing entrance for some donuts & morning goodies. We'd love to meet all of our neighbors!

8. If you have a home for sale in Stone Brooke Crossing, then please have your agent contact us about holding an open house from 11-2 in our Open House Tour. Take advantage of all of the traffic in our neighborhood and let home buyers get a chance to see our great homes for sale & friendly community!

We hope you enjoy participating in the Spring Garage Sale & Open House Tour. Please let us know if you have any questions.

If you need a McKinney Realtor, or if you need to sell your Stone Brooke Crossing home, we are happy to help and would love to earn your business. Give us a call and find out how the Barron-Daugherty Team at d + b real estate gets homes SOLD!

Friday, March 6, 2009

It's BACK! SBC Garage Sale & Open House Tour

Saturday, April 4th
Garage Sale 7:00 am - 2:00 pm
Open House Tour 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Saturday, April 4th Stone Brooke Crossing will have its Third Semi-Annual Community Garage Sale and Open House Tour! There will be a 3-day ad in the local newspapers and an ad in the Dallas Morning News promoting the event. There will also be community maps handed out that will direct people to the Featured Open Houses and Featured Garage Sales. The maps will be handed out at the corner of Crutcher Crossing and Turtle Court and there will be signs and directionals into our neighorhood from 7 - 2. We will also be handing out donuts in the morning and they will be served in the parking lot of the SBC Community Pool, so come down and say Hi!

To be a Featured Garage Sale, please print off registration form below and return to Kim (469-667-8225) or Laura (214-415-5329) (your SBC neighbors) to register. All featured garage sales will have special balloons at their home identifying them as a featured home. The cost is only $15.00 to participate and will be due no later than Monday, March 30.

To be a Featured Open House, please have your real estate agent call us for registration information. We will send them a registration form so that you can participate. The Featured Open Houses will have exclusive advertising and visitors to these Open Houses will have the opportunity to win some awesome prizes! What a great way to get some traffic in our awesome neighborhood to show off your home! The deadline to sign up as a featured Open House is also Monday, March 30.

Keep checking back for more details!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

March Bunco- Luck O' the Irish!

Are you interested in making friends? Meeting neighbors? Just having some fun with other women?

Stone Brooke Crossing has a Women's Bunco Group that is always looking for players. We meet the first TUESDAY of the month at 7:30 p.m. EXCEPT for March and alternate homes. The cost is just $5 to participate and you could walk away with some great prize$. We currently have 12 women playing and hope to get it up to 16. If there is a lot of interest a SECOND group can start up. What better way to get to know other FAMILIES in the neighborhood?

If you are interested in PARTICIPATING please email myself or Kim. We'd love to see some new faces!

Next GAME: SUNDAY, March 8th. In order to spice things up Kim will be hosting bunco at our office: d + b real estate at 207 E. Virginia #203 (on the square in historic McKinney, above the Lavender House Tea Room and accross the street from Aparicios Mexican Restaurant), start time is 8:00 p.m. Wear GREEN, bring FRIENDS and green food and/or drinks. We look forward to SEEING you and your friends there!

Febuary Market Update

Here's a snapshot of how the real estate in Stone Brooke Crossing fared for Febuary 2009.

The month ended with 6 Active listings:

5213 Hawks Nest 2684, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $214,900 Reduced $209,900
5209 Stoney Trail 2602, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, reduced $189,900
5100 Sandy Ct 2,176, 4 BR 2.5 BA, $179,900
304 S. Village 2303 sq ft, 4 BR, 2 BA reduced $200,000
5417 Crystal Ct 2,105, 3 BR, 2 BA, $169,000
5437 Pebble Ct 2,311 sq ft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA $182,000

1 Home under Option:

504 Rock Ridge Way 2,107 sq ft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $165,000

Do you need a McKinney Realtor that specializes in Stone Brooke Crossing? Call or Email us today! The market is right for buyers that qualify - low interest rates are drawing out the serious home buyers. Get your home on the market this month!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Good News...DFW Real Estate holding strong

I was at a networking meeting today and the presenter talked about the state of the market. Let me just say that I am happy to live in Texas. While the news and media have been talking about the doom and gloom in real estate on the national level they failed to point out that DFW is one of the housing markets that has remained flat. The S & P Case Shiller Index reported that the Dallas area had a 3.3% residential price decline compared to the national average of 18.2%.

One of the contributing factors is the strong DFW economy. In the Oil & Gas Industry the Barnett Shale (onshore natural gas field) created 83k jobs in 2007 and generated 8.2 billion into the local economy. We were also presented with employment changes for 30 states, comparing December 2007 with December 2008, and Texas was the only state that was not in the red. Texas showed an increase of 153,700 new jobs.

Did you know that DFW has a less than 1% chance to have housing prices decline in the next two years according to the PMI U.S. Market Risk Index . What does all this mean? DFW is a good place to set roots with it's strong economy and stable real estate. Take advantage of the low interest rates and call the Barron-Daugherty team at d + b real estate to help you buy or sell your home, 972-838-5394.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

January Market Update

Here's a snapshot of how the real estate in Stone Brooke Crossing fared for January 2009.

The month ended with 7 Active listings:

5213 Hawks Nest 2684, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $214,900
5209 Stoney Trail 2602, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, reduced $189,900
5100 Sandy Ct 2,176, 4 BR 2.5 BA, $179,900
304 S. Village 2303 sq ft, 4 BR, 2 BA reduced $200,000
5417 Crystal Ct 2,105, 3 BR, 2 BA, $169,000
504 Rock Ridge Way 2,107, 3 BR, 2 BA, $165,000
5437 Pebble Ct 2,311 sq ft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA $182,000

2 Sold Listing:
Home 1 - 1,956 sq ft, 3 BR, 2 BA $166,000
Home 2 - 2,631 sq ft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA $137,900 Foreclosure

Do you need a McKinney Realtor that specializes in Stone Brooke Crossing? Call or Email us today! The market is right for buyers that qualify - low interest rates are drawing out the serious home buyers. Get your home on the market this month!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

February Bunco

UPDATE: Join us in March...Look at all the fun that was had by this great group of women.

Are you interested in making friends? Meeting neighbors? Just having some fun with other women?

Stone Brooke Crossing has a Women's Bunco Group that is always looking for players. We meet the first TUESDAY of the month except for February and alternate homes. The cost is just $5 to participate and you could walk away with some great prize$. We currently have 12 women playing and hope to get it up to 16. If there is a lot of interest a SECOND group can start up. What better way to get to know other FAMILIES in the neighborhood?

If you are interested in PARTICIPATING please email myself or Kim. We'd love to see some new faces! Next GAME: Tueday, February 10th, 5525 Pebble Ct, start time this month is 7:30 p.m for some food & socializing - game begins at 8:00. We look forward to SEEING you there!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

December Market Update

Here's a snapshot of how the real estate in Stone Brooke Crossing fared for December 2008.

The month ended with 7 Active listings:

5213 Hawks Nest 2684, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $214,900
5209 Stoney Trail 2602, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, reduced $199,900
5505 Amber Way 2095 sq ft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $167,900
304 S. Village 2303 sq ft, 4 BR, 2 BA $207,000
501 Blue Spring 2,547 sq ft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA $189,900
5316 Rolling Rock 2,826 sq ft, 3 BR, 2.5 BA $205,000
5437 Pebble Ct 2,311 sq ft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA $182,000

2 Sold Listing:
Home 1 - 2,546 sq ft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA $163,200
Home 2 - 2,631 sq ft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA $184,550

1 Option Listing
5525 Amber Way 2,631 sq ft, 4 BR, 2.5 BA, $144,900

1 Contingent Listing
320 S. Village 1,956 sq ft, 3 BR, 2 BA, $169,900

Do you need a McKinney Realtor that specializes in Stone Brooke Crossing? Call or Email us today! The market is right for buyers that qualify - low interest rates are drawing out the serious home buyers. Get your home on the market this month!

It's a Fiesta..... Bunco

Are you interested in making friends? Meeting neighbors? Just having some fun with other women?

Stone Brooke Crossing has a Women's Bunco Group that is always looking for players. We meet the first TUESDAY of the month and alternate homes. The cost is just $5 to participate and you could walk away with some great prize$. We currently have 12 women playing and hope to get it up to 16. If there is a lot of interest a SECOND group can start up. What better way to get to know other FAMILIES in the neighborhood?

If you are interested in PARTICIPATING please email myself or Kim. We'd love to see some new faces! Next GAME: Tueday, January 6th, 5533 Pebble Ct, start time this month is 7:00 p.m for some food & socializing - game begins at 8:00. We look forward to SEEING you there!